7 L4 ~( ^1 x& F! a6 x6 RHow are you I'm fine thank you.+ q6 {" P/ W8 {3 D
# w2 h! I9 R2 Z當我last week睇住TV食dinner既時候,我suddenly notice到你好enjoy咁去拍你既latest MV。Wow!你跟住rhythm起勢twist your body個個樣真係好wild好charm,簡直將蔡依琳都比下去,你至係the genuine dancing queen囉。To be honest,我真係完全expect唔到你雖然只係in your teenage,但原來係好有heart去入娛樂圈囉。你last year從Canada返黎Hong Kong個陣,join左修身堂個減肥programme後成個人真係slim up左好多囉,出黎個effect好fresh丫,令到我好鬼impressed呢。 " w L. m( B2 t) l& f0 l& B0 M1 b/ {
And then我又見你到響TV度扮Snow White喎,響Disney門口同七個小矮人dancing個part真係俾到我一種好princess既feeling囉,我仲有睇埋你專登飛去Japan拍個個MV「想飛」架,你既voice好有自己既style,especially從你以前成日唱English songs當中,我真係feel到你既accent同pronunciation好western囉,I think你其實好有talent to be a superstar囉,which is「可愛教主」囉,楊丞琳?你叫佢save啦,點同你compare喎。2 K& b1 V% e' S% S2 L
$ X4 t3 \' I8 Z. ?# R# C但係呢,I really don't understand why咁多人都咁hate you囉,又話你扮Snow White好disgusting同埋太過artificial影衰哂princess既image,又話你kiss「賣飛佛」搞到人地好embarrassing,仲搞到廣管局接到破哂record既complaints話睇完你既performance之後feel not comfortable添。Oh! Jesus Christ! 佢地真係exaggerate too much囉,picky到死丫d人,我話丫,佢地jealous你有個咁好既mammy幫你fight到好多exposure就真。Real gold didn't afraid of fire,我一定會十卜你架,add oil丫! 1 l* d% t! D# t$ @3 i* v% |# u* `$ C! r/ E! s& D; G4 S' w/ d
Joyce,I know you're a good girl。我appreciate你有著一份好strong既determination同confidence去殺入娛樂圈,唔係咩?你give up響Canada既study,連university都唔讀就一個人came back to Hong Kong喎。但係你at the same time都要understand而家你mammy既病其實都幾serious架,所以in the future你好可能要spend好多time去look after佢囉。I mean就算你幾tough都好,你要孝順mammy就總要give up一d野架啦,係咪?俗語都有話啦,"Have duck must have suck"嘛。所以你都係暫時stop左你既jobs先,好好地look after你mammy until佢recover哂先再handle入行既事啦,ok?Trust me no die的。7 G8 k) O' n! }
' l( o9 f" W4 H3 D) X
Regards, " R0 f" X S+ V4 B8 s" @" q# x9 e4 w0 U# @" S/ C- a! ^
John 8 I1 H4 I* j. c* R" a# P9 |