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[系統] redsn0w 0.9.10b7 更新

發表於 22-4-2012 12:01:07 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
iPhone Dev Team 剛更新版本 redsn0w 0.9.10b7,同樣只是 iOS 5.1 半越獄,支援裝置為:5 m( K, F8 d+ W0 s% y/ Z/ ^  {! L3 k
  }6 \, j2 z4 p/ }# i4 E
  • iPhone 3GS
  • iPhone 4
  • iPad 1
  • iPod Touch 3
  • iPod Touch 4

9 M) R6 \2 @( p
, i. k1 Y" t$ V3 v如果用作iOS 5.01進行越獄的話,則只有除了new ipad外基本支援所有裝置- q  d- |# S) |/ l. h
! t: K+ i: H1 l
Update #2: The b2 version of redsn0w includes the launchctl-related fix by @planetbeing as mentioned by @saurik here and here.  As usual, you can just re-run redsn0w in jailbreak mode over your existing 5.0.1 jailbreak (even a PwnageTool one), making sure to de-select “Install Cydia” if you do.  Always be sure to do a controlled “slide to power off” shutdown of your device before running redsn0w.
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Update #3: The b3 version of redsn0w fixes a problem where re-running redsn0w over an existing jailbreak would cause MobileSubstrate-based apps to stop running until MS was installed again.  Now you can re-run the redsn0w jailbreak step without worrying about that (but still remember to de-select the “Install Cydia” option if it’s already installed).
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* g  t4 z" U  z8 F& ?Update #4: The b4 version of redsn0w incorporates the 5.0.1 fix for iBooks, and also for sporadic problems with launchctl.  Thanks to @xvolks for merging the iBooks (sandbox) fix from @comex’s github into the overall corona untether from @pod2g!  
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. ~" B0 h/ ?) F+ s1 }8 _Update #5: redsn0w version b5 incorporates yet another fix for iBooks, this time involving DRM.  @planetbeing wrote a utility called “crazeles” that overcomes jailbreak detection by iBooks that would cause about 10% of images to show incorrectly.  This fix is similar to the “hunnypot” fix that @comex wrote for the 4.x jailbreak.  As usual, you can choose to install the fix either by re-running redsn0w over your existing jailbreak (de-select Cydia if you do that), or by installing the corona package from Cydia (it’s the same set of files no matter which way you choose).% U5 d9 l0 j" q' B/ x% c
1 u+ ?9 X/ q% U% T  J" g
Updates #5b and #5c:  Version b5b fixes an issue with using custom ramdisks on iPhone3G and iPod2G, and version b5c prevents redsn0w from crashing due to the ever-growing ramdisk size :).
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7 r& l+ k( \0 t; Y. PTIP: If auto-detection fails and redsn0w tells you no identifying data was found, you can always pre-select the appropriate 5.0.1 IPSW using “Extras->Select IPSW”.
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$ l' e; W% F+ {: b
iPhone 4S 及 iPad 2用戶注意,請勿使用此版本redsn0w嘗試進行iOS 5.1越獄,5.01例外。
2 y+ ]9 Q- G3 v; g4 \# G2 w  J. ~1 c" n. u/ a5 b2 ?+ R1 I' [+ ?$ y
另外,如果iPhone 4S 及 iPad 2升級至 iOS 5.1,即使已經備份 SHSH 檔案,也不能降級至 iOS 5.0.1;/ E8 P2 ~! G9 M# ^7 N
6 ?$ b  L/ y. t) z  B5 o
而 iPad 2 之用戶,若之前擁有 iOS 4.33 的 SHSH 備份,則可降級至 iOS 4.33,但就算擁有 iOS 5.0.1 的 SHSH 備份,注意也是不能降級至 iOS 5.0.1的。
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4 {6 O& J! p5 g5 i' U0 ~  S) k& q. c& w
redns0w的下載鏈接:1 l8 J7 V. P: N8 c, ~" G
6 N* K# }" V" p8 Y" m
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